Lisa Frusztajer - Headshots 04-24-2021-2 (FINAL) - blazer1.LF.retouch.jpg

Lisa Frusztajer is an executive coach who helps entrepreneurs and senior managers achieve their full potential as confident, compassionate leaders.

 Do you recognize yourself in these descriptions: 

Do what you most value: Do you struggle to identify what matters most, and how to accomplish it?

Achieve your full potential: Wondering how to achieve your personal and professional goals without burning yourself out?

Dare to aim for the next big thing: Are you holding back from making a major career or life change because you fear it will be too much to handle, or because you’re unsure what’s the right next step for you?

I can help you work through these questions and more.

How I can help: 

I work with high-achieving executives and entrepreneurs. My clients know how to get pretty much anything done, but are anxious and over-working, which keeps them from bringing their best selves to what they do.

Your time is precious.

You deserve to spend it on what really matters to you.

My approach blends pragmatic problem-solving with mindset coaching to:

  • Identify your goals and aspirations.

  • Pinpoint thoughts and assumptions that are holding you back.

  • Show you how to overcome obstacles that are keeping you from pursuing your true ambition and professional desires — the ones you’ve been hesitant to articulate and believe.

You know deep down there’s more you’d like to do. But you might not be sure what that looks like, or how to get there. Coaching can help. 

Coaching typically consists of six to twelve weekly sessions. I find it’s most effective to begin by focusing on a specific circumstance and desired outcome. With a short-term focus, you’ll come away from our time together with a concrete plan and new skills to get unstuck.